
作者: 时间:2012-12-26 点击数:

TopicTool-based nano surface generation/纳米表面加工技术
Speaker: Professor MustafizurRahman (National University of Singapore)
Date: 2013年1月8日
Time: 上午9:30~11:30
Venus: 工学2号馆205机电学院会议室

Abstract: The demand for nanotechnology products with applications in the semiconductor, optical, die and mold, and such other ultra-precision industries is increasing at a phenomenal pace. The technological challenge for the fabrication of such products include highly precise mirror surface on difficult-to-machine materials such as silicon, glass, quartz, ceramics and electroless nickel. Nano surface generation techniques to achieve nanometric surface finish and shape accuracy on such materials are basic technologies for the successfully producing such products. In this presentation, first of fundamental mechanism of nano surface generation on metals using tool-based technology will be discussed. Then currently available techniques for nano surface generation will be introduced and discussed. Finally, generation of such surfaces using non-conventional tool-based method will also be presented.


About the speakerProfessor MustafizurRahman is currently with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the National University of Singapore. His research interests include Ultra-precision machining, micro/nano machining, design and development of machine tools and devices for micro/nano machining, and high speed machining of difficult-to-machine materials. Some of his latest research areas are: Hybrid simultaneous EDM/ECM, Ductile mode machining of brittle materials, Machining of freeform features based on Digital Images. He has received William Jonson Gold Medal for Life Time Achievement in Material Processing Research and Teaching in 2009, the Leading Edge Manufacturing Achievement Award from the JSME in 2005, and IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award in 2003, A M Strickland Prize from IMechE in 2009. He has authored more than 400 journal and conference papers.
Currently, he is also a director of a NUS spin-off company, MikrotoolsPte Ltd. ( which produces machine tools for micro and nano machining.

个人简介:MustafizurRahman教授是新加坡国立大学工学院机械工程系的终身教授,CIRP Fellow。他的研究领域主要包括;超精密加工,微纳米加工,适用微纳米加工及难加工材料高速加工的超精密机床及设备的设计和研发。MustafizurRahman教授目前进行的研究包括:EDM/ECM复合加工技术研究,脆性材料的塑性加工技术研究以及基于数字图片的自由曲面零件加工。MustafizurRahman教授在国际著名的期刊及学术会议发表了超过400篇的研究论文。由于MustafizurRahman教授在材料加工领域的终身成就以及在教学方面的卓越贡献,MustafizurRahman教授获得了2009年William Jonson金奖,2009年A M Strickland奖, 2005年JSME制造前沿成就奖,2003年IES卓越工程成就奖。
MustafizurRahman教授还担任了MikrotoolsPte Ltd(的董事,以进行微细制造技术的商业化应用。MikrotoolsPte Ltd是一家专注于生产微纳米加工设备的高科技公司,并获得了新加坡国立大学的投资。


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