
作者: 时间:2012-12-26 点击数:

TopicTool-based Compound Micro Machining/复合微细加工技术及其装备
Speaker:Professor MustafizurRahman (National University of Singapore)

Abstract: Compound micromachining is a promising technology for the production of miniaturized parts with increased number of functions, reduced dimensions and higher dimensional accuracy. The challenge is in the effective implementation which require a synergistic development work and successful integration of four major research areas – (a) research on machine tool to provide as a compound micromachining platform; (b) in-depth understanding of process physics to leverage tweaking of responsible parameters for an expected outcome; (c) intelligent system to have necessary feedback and correction – be it on-machine measurement, inspection or even automatic compensation in real-time; and (d) development of new compound processes. This paper presents a few tool-based approaches that integrate multiple processes to produce miniature components on the same machine tool platform in order to demonstrate the capabilities of compound micromachining.

摘要:复合微细加工技术是一种非常有具有前景的加工技术。复合微细加工技术在加工具有微细尺寸,超高尺寸精度并具有多种功能的微细零件时,具有非常大的优势。但要将复合微细加工应用于生产实际,需要对复合微细加工技术中涉及的各种微细加工技术及加工机理进行研究,主要包括以下四个方面:a)复合微细加工机床的研究:研究一种能进行复合微细加工的机床;b) 复合微细加工机理研究:对影响微细加工质量的加工参数及微细加工过程进行深入研究 c)复合微细加工控制系统的研究:研究一种具有在线检测,检查,以及实时补偿功能的智能反馈及纠错系统。d) 新型复合加工技术的研究:研究新的复合加工技术。此次讲座将向大家展示一种基于在线微细刀具制造的复合微细加工技术以证明复合微细加工技术的能力。此种复合微细加工技术能够在同一台机床上进行包括微细磨削,微细铣削,微细电火花,微细电火花线切割等各种微细加工以生产微细零件。


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